That means that I can finally listen to christmas music, open my gift calendar from home and seriously begin my "countdown"... It is now only 15 days until I go home for Christmas.
The day today started with me going to the Brighstone christmas tree festival with Sue, and when I got back, I was supposed to do some work. Something that didn't happen (as usual). So now I'm watching the second film of Harry Potter with Emily today. That's basically all we've been doing today.
And I'm really tired, so I would love to go to bed and sleep for 2 weeks, but since I can't really do that, I have to stay up and do my homework :P
But on the bright side, I will be home in about two weeks to see my dog, mom, brother, grandmother and my best friend, who I've missed these past few months. Before I get home, I've been here 4 months already. And when I get back, I only have 6 months left, and in that time, I'll get visitors as well, so it won't seem that long. And if time passes by as fast as it has these months, then I will be home before I know it.