torsdag 13. november 2008

Almost weekend again :)

Tomorrow, we have academic review day at school. My "appointment" is at 10:15, and after that me and Emily is going to Newport :)

Since I have to send things home before I leave in 5 weeks and 3 days, there is some christmas shopping that has to be done first. I don't really like christmas in the middle of November, but since it is already there, I can get it done...

For those of you who doesn't know it... I'm collecting stones, so if anyone sees an Australian black opal, I would be very happy to know where I could find one..

And also, I got my mechanics homework back today :D Since I started school here, I've failed maths and mechanics with less than 40% each time. But today I got 60%, which means a C... And I'm really happy about it, so I just had to write it somewhere :P

I am actually thinking about taking my year 13 here as well. Something my friends at home didn't think was a very good idea, since they want me back. I made miss Pratt happy though. She loves hearing that "her school" is better than others. But the biggest down-side I can think of is that I won't be able to graduate with my class at home. And for those who doesn't know it, it is a pretty big thing, because we get to be "russ", which seems pretty fun. If you want to know more about what it is, Wikipedia has a pretty good explanation... And I will be "blåruss" which is pretty special... To me at least... That's the URL to wikipedia's explanation of "russ".. Enjoy :P

And if anyone sees the Australian black opal.. you let me know :P

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